Our Testimony

Testimony for the Healing of Families

Our testimony is about  the healing of our family from what seemed like an impossible task of healing "family wounds and heart brokenness" and chronic physical and psychological disorders.  Our blended family was doomed for  failure.  This page of our website is intended to glorify God. Through the  gifts and ministry of the people below, our family experienced  the mercy and love of Jesus.  We have peace in our family life.  And, we have begun to share to other families how to attain this peace too.   



 The Book and Seminar of Fr. Yozefu Semakula entitled "The Healing of Families".

Please do not be discouraged with the media news about this book.  The spirit of fear is from the enemy.  As Catholics, we need to read our Catechism and Scriptures to understand what is theologically in error or not.  To judge a book by the advice of those who have not experienced any healing from this book is like missing out on a powerful tool.  

The fruits of our life will defeat the plans of the enemy to put this book aside.   When our priests felt we were a hand full to handle because of our stubborn problems, this book helped us peel the bondages one at a time, as the  grace of God allowed.  It does not promise instantaneously healing for some of our problems, but it brought our family to forgive and pray together.  And, that is the first miracle.     The second miracle is we were able to help other families. The third miracle is we have "peace" in our family life because we understood the love of the Heavenly Father.  We understood  Jesus died for our sins and thus, not all our suffering may  be from God and if it is, then we must embrace it with heroic effort.  We understood that we are all attached and we need to live our mission through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  

There are other books for deliverance and they all contribute to a better understanding on how to be set free.  We advise that you consult your spiritual director on how best to handle your fears about this book.  

For more information about Fr. Yozefu Semakula, visit his website "Healing of Families"




Bishop, Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee


Your Excellency, 


I am writing on behalf of my family and other Catholic families who are from various Diocese in the US and Canada.  We felt that it is appropriate to testify to our Church leaders about the good works of our Lord especially when He uses a Catholic priest to do accomplish it.  Though the Church and the world are in troubling times, may our testimonials give hope and encouragement to our Church leaders.

It is for this reason that we thank you for honing the priests under your Diocese to the call of holiness and for allowing them to reach out to other Diocese to help wounded families in their healing. We, most especially, like to thank Fr. Yozefu Semakula, for his priesthood and ministry of the "Healing of Families" through his book and seminar.

When we read the book, we immediately approached our parish priest, in the Diocese of Charlotte to help us with the Para-Liturgy.  He read the book twice, presented a wonderful homily on healing based on the book and carried out a Para-liturgy to our parish on two occasions. 

The direct result of reading the book and  participating in the Para-liturgy is we were enlightened about God's love for  us. This is contrary to our prior belief that suffering always comes from God.

We understood that we are all connected to each other and that our response to the call of God will affect us all.  This is  contrary to the lies of the enemy that we should just take care of our own problems and sins even when family sin patterns are quite evident.

We were empowered  to  fight the fierce temptations of the evil one by coming to terms with the access points or doors that we open due to sin and our ignorance.  In the same way, we underutilized  the  treasure box of tools (prayers and sacramentals) in the Catholic Church to battle with the enemy, and that renewing our baptismal vows can defeat the enemy.

In other words, though we sought healing through the Sacraments, there was a block that we cannot fully comprehend.  We were doing what our spiritual directors and priests have told us.  But, we were stuck.  The physical manifestations of sin in our midst were making us feel hopeless.

The book opened our eyes and ears to the teachings of the Catholic Church on another level.  We experienced numerous physical healing in our family and witnessed the same to those we advised to read the book.

Nine years ago,  we were a blended family with no peace in our lives.  We suffered so much physical ailments and psychological problems.  We sought medical health professionals, psychiatrists, counsellors and demanded too much time from our pastors.  We only got “band-aid” relief.  

We were healed from Fibromylgia, spinal stenois, broken tail bone, Thyroid problems, Attention Deficit Disorder, gluttony, inability to pray, inability to tithe,  ADD, Hyperactivity, self-abuse, sexual pervasion, learning disabilities, unforgiveness, same-sex attraction, drug addiction, unbelief, rage and violent tendencies, stealing, insomnia, reactive attachment disorder, new age practices, accident-proneness and depression.  By the grace of God, 4 of our 7 boys are seriously considering the call to be a diocesan priest and  the religious life. 

My mother-in-law healed from 30 years back injuries and pain, depression, hearing loss from a broken ear drum, breathing problems from a broken nose.

My mother’s cancer is in remission.  And, she is in Canada.

Our family became Oblates of the Benedictines.  We travel around the United States giving our testimonies. Recently,  Our Lord has taken us to Edmonton, Alberta Canada to minister to wounded families. 

We have learned to "fight" the spiritual battle through this book.  And,  using the same methods proposed in the book, we have taught others.  Just taking into account in our ministry, we have witnessed Catholics who has been away from the Church for 30 to 45 years go back to the Sacrament of Confession.

A large percentage of those we give our testimonies have attained peace and are seriously giving their faith another chance. 

We were surprised that we became very courageous in whatever mission our Lord asked us to undertake, even if it meant leaving the comforts of home to go to a foreign land,  to proclaim the Gospel of His love and mercy to our family.

We understood the “love story”  between the Saints and Jesus and why they were willing to die for Him. And, now we are living our love story with Jesus and our Blessed Mother as a family.  

We thank you for the opportunity to give our testimony.  And, we hope that this testimony will one day be useful when you feel discouraged with seemingly unending troubles that beset our Catholic Church. 

Please accept our gratefulness and prayers for  your leadership and for allowing Fr. Yozefu Semakula and other priests in your Diocese to serve others in their gifts and mission.  

God Bless, 

[original signed]

Joycelyn Campbell, Oblates of the Benedictines 


  Damian Stayne  Charism School



Cor et Lumen Christi Community
Highfield House
St John's Way
Surrey KT16 8BZ

Website: http://www.coretlumenchristi.org/

This is a training event on the charism of the Holy Spirit.  The training consists of a workshop in the areas of healing, deliverance and prophecy. 

In this workshop, Damian Stayne gave us the prophecy and confirmed what the Holy Spirit wanted us to do - testify to families and give them a Catholic spiritual warfare weapon to defend their families.

Patrick as Childhood Batman  

In the healing service, our Lord used BATMAN, Patrick's super hero and his childhood character drawing named "George" to confirm that our Lord was giving him a prophetic message for the  future ministry.



Our Lady of Hope is the patroness of the Cross of St. Benedict Ministry.  



Joy also received a prophecy from her prayer partner, Mrs. Sue, as follows:

"I saw a cross with a burning flame of love in its center that will never burn out.  The love of God pouring into your life enabling you to spread the love of Jesus to all that you encounter.  He gives you the word "HOPE".  He blesses your community with your great acts of love.", November 2013 


3.  Frank Kelly 

Website:  www.frankkelly.org 

Book:  Short Circuit to God


Frank Kelly has a powerful  gift of the word of knowledge.  After his testimonial, he asks only your name and prays over you.  He discerns the saints who will be guiding you in your walk to holiness to help you with your current predicaments in life.  One then asks the intercession of the list of saints given to you, for 9 days, by praying  1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory Be for each saint.  

He gave Patrick a word of knowledge about the ministry way before Patrick even thought about it as a ministry.   He gave each family member of the Campbell clan spot on "word" to address the most pressing need at that moment.  Frank Kelly, even told Patrick's mom that the next time he will see her, she will be healed.  And she was healed from her numerous physical illness when he saw him next this October 2014.

4. Fr. Peter Sanders  and the South Carolina Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (SCCRC)


Website of Fr. Peter Sanders: http://www.newpentecost.org/ 

Website of SCCCRS:  http://screnewal.org/


Fr Peter is the director of New Pentecost Catholic Ministries and a member of the Congregation of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri located in Monterey, California.   The topic of our seminar focused on tearing down "strongholds".  It is in this seminar that Joy received an annointing of the Holy Spirit.  After suffering back pain from a broken tailbone for 12 years, on October 27, 2012, her back was healed.  

Joy's Testimonial

In October 27, 2012, my agonizing back pain was gone. I used to wake up every day for 10 years, unsure if I could make it out of my bedroom. My broken tailbone pushed up to the middle of my spine An X-ray confirmed this diagnosis.

I would have an average of 3 attacks every year of extreme back pain that would last for one whole month. I had no relief. The back pain immobilized me. I crawled to use the bathroom.

There was only one position that enabled me to sleep, that is, kneeling down. As if God was trying to tell me something He needed me to do at that time. I could not even empty my mind to reflect on this due to the severe pain. The illness created so much self-pity. I felt constrained and limited to what I could do.

I started to feel depressed. I worried that this could be the early stages of cancer or an immune disorder. I went to the Emergency Room several times in those years. I sought the help of back specialists. The medical doctors prescribed various pain relievers. The side effects were worse. I knew I had to look at alternative medicine for an answer.

Acupuncture became a relief for a time. Then, I found an excellent chiropractor. I researched online and bought books to learn how to cope with stress in positive ways. However, all available interventions did not last long. I had good and bad days.

Eventually, I convinced myself that I would not get any better. I made lifestyle changes. I avoided stressful things in life.

Unable to find a job that would accommodate this kind of illness, I surrendered to my present vocation of raising my children full time. I cringed on the financial opportunities that I could have earned with my graduate studies. With a loss of income, it became unreasonable to continue seeing my Chiropractor.

As I accepted my daily suffering, expecting no relief, I turned to the Sacraments of the Church. I went to daily Holy Mass, frequent Confession, Eucharistic Adoration, and various retreats. In my spiritual journey, I discovered the Extraordinary Form of Mass. I fell in love with the contemplation and reverence of the Liturgy in the older form.

For many years, I convicted myself that my back pain is permanent. But, with a faith of a mustard seed, I sought one healing mass after another.

I knew there was something wrong with me. There was a missing link to why I was not healing. What was preventing my healing? What was I doing wrong?

 I did not know then that I was not surrendering my "entire life" to Jesus, only bits and pieces, of what I think He wants.

 Fr. Peter Sanders of New Pentecost Catholic Ministries conducted a conference and healing mass in South Carolina, organized by the South Carolina Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (SCCCRS). Prior to Holy Mass, I looked at every one around me. They were singing "Praise and Worship" songs. Arms were extended outwards; hands were waving in the air. Father Peter announced that we needed to sing more songs.

I was hesitant. I was a traditional Catholic. I liked wearing a mantilla to cover my head in Church. I do not want to raise my hands in front of the Holy Tabernacle. The praising gestures all created repulsive feelings inside me. In my ignorance, it all seemed exaggerated, too dramatic, too loud, and too distracting to my contemplative nature.

But, I asked our Lord, "Is this how you want to be praised?" With no audible answer, I let go. I surrendered to Jesus. I lifted my hands in the air. The music opened my heart. I remembered to forgive each person in my life who hurt me in the past and to ask forgiveness to those I have hurt as well.

In Holy Mass, I felt a very intense warm sensation moving from my lower back to my neck. I felt an excruciating pain in my neck. I felt sad that I was not healed. But, I started to have questions. What then was that warm sensation moving up my spine? Wasn't that healing?

I gained confidence. I increased my faith. I tilted my neck. I wiggled my body. Wait. There was no pain. The pain was just in my mind. I had to believe. I was healed. And, from then on, my back pain vanished. I was completely healed.

Jesus wants to heal us. Forgiveness and mercy await us if we surrender everything to Jesus. And, Jesus takes seriously our sacrifice of praise.


 5.  Alliance of the Holy Family International 


 Consecration to the Two Hearts of Jesus and MaryAlliance of the Two Hearts


 Around 2010, the religious nuns and brothers of the Alliance of the Holy Family visited our home.  We invited our friends from the nearby parish.  They conducted an Enthronement to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  We consecrated our entire family to the Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary.   The nuns and brothers went around the house blessing each room.  It was at this point that they recognized the posters in my oldest daughter room.  They suggested to take it out.  At that time, we do not better that the images in the walls of our house should be holy instead of idolizing movie stars or singers.  Once we consecrated our family, we were forced to deal with issues that surfaced in our blended family.   In the beginning, it seemed chaotic, what we did not know is we are being purified and being called to holiness. 


 6.  Father Fernando Suarez Healing Ministry

 Website:  Father Fernando Suarez Website 



On the next healing mass after the ParaLiturgy recommended in the Book of the Healing of Families, we attended Father Suarez Healing Mass when he visited Jacksonville, Florida.    Our mother, Rose Campbell, got multiple healing after Fr. Suarez annointed her. 


7.  The Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Peace

 Website: qopbenedictines.com


 Sr. Gertrude's monthly spiritual direction helped us to follow the Rule of St. Benedict as our way of life or spirituality.