Meaning of the Trinity Celtic Cross of St. Benedict

The TRINITY CELTIC St. Benedict Crucifix

Three woods, inlayed together, form the Trinity cross.  The contemplative element in this cross represents the relationship of God, the Father, God, the Son and God, the Holy Spirit.  The mystery of the Holy Trinity is the central mystery of our Christian faith and life.   The relationship is a life-giving love of such depth and magnitude.  It reveals our human vocation to love not only our blood relationships but also our brothers and sisters outside of our families.    

The Celtic ring represents the infinite love of the Heavenly Father.  The Celtic Cross was first introduced by St. Patrick to transform the pagan symbol of the Sun-God to associate light and life to the cross in the minds of the converts, thereby showing the supremacy of Christ over the Sun-God.  The Celtic cross, since medieval times, had been used as a public monument, a teaching tool and to mark holy ground. 

There are 8 cut holes around the cross.   The seven holes symbolize the seven days of creation, the eighth hole represents how God renews all things. 

The Saint Benedict medal, embedded on the cross, accents the Latin inscriptions associated with actual prayers of exorcism.    At the back of the cross is a hole showing the other side of the St. Benedict medal, representing the monastic hole.  It also symbolizes how St. Benedict left the pagan world of studies and onto the cave to fight evil by using two pieces of wood.  It tells us that the devil has no power over the cross, which represents the Sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ to redeem the world. To those who use a St. Benedict crucifix with faith and devotion, the Church grants spiritual favors of a partial indulgence if you “kiss, hold, wear” the St. Benedict medal. 

The Miraculous Medal, embedded on the lower portion of the Cross, represents the Blessed Mother, the spouse of the Holy Spirit, united to her son, Jesus and united to the will of God, the Father at the foot of the cross.

A hole, drilled on top of the crucifix, contains the exorcised salt.  It is sealed with wax and capped with a red Benedictine seal. If a spiritual need arises, one simply punctures this seal to let out the exorcised salt. 

The exorcised salt is a sacramental of the Church.   When the Church asks publicly and authoritatively in the name of Jesus Christ that a person or object be protected against the power of the evil one and withdrawn from his dominion, it is called exorcism.  Jesus performed exorcisms and from Him the Church has received the power and office of exorcising. In the prayer of exorcising salt, God endows material elements with a supernatural power of protecting those who use them with faith against all the attacks of the enemy. Exorcised salt is used either in areas considered infected by demonic forces or for the protection of homes, buildings, and fields.

The following prayer is recommended:

 "I seal this {room or home or Church grounds} in the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ our Savior, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."

The product is an original hand-crafted design by Patrick Campbell.  Patrick and his wife Joy are Oblates of the Benedictines and Founders of the Cross of St. Benedict Society.  They made an oblation to our Lord, dedicating their lives in the mission of spreading the Benedictine spirituality in family life, invoking the intercession of St. Benedict, and protecting families with a tangible spiritual weapon that had proven itself to be a very powerful sacramental of the Church.

The Certificate of Authenticity records a unique identification to this cross.   Each cross is very unique due to the nature of wood.  The cross is also touched to the FIRST-CLASS RELIC of the TRUE CROSS in our Oratory making this cross a THIRD-CLASS ICON.  The Cross of St. Benedict entitles the owner, their family and their community a perpetual enrollment to the Cross of St. Benedict Society and shares in the daily liturgical celebrations and devotions that our community offers for the society. 

 “Apart from the cross, there is no other ladder by which we may get to heaven” (St. Rose of Lima, in P. Hansen, Vita Mirabilis [Louvain, 1668])

The Trinity Celtic Cross of St. Benedict tells a powerful story of the love of the Heavenly Father as He sent His Only Begotten Son to die for us, to save us.  Our Heavenly Father will provide for all our needs.  Our Lord Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life.    The Holy Spirit will animate us to fulfill our mission.  The Blessed Mother is our spiritual mother.