From Maria Muratore:
I would like to thank Patrick and Joy Campbell for leading the Breakthrough Healing Workshop for our Diocese of Raleigh Charismatic community. I would also like to thank all our CCS board members, ministers and leaders who assisted to make this powerful event possible. Thank you to all who attended and joined us for this workshop. Some have sent in beautiful testimonies. If you are still waiting for answered prayers, be patient. Sometimes change occurs over a couple days, weeks or even months.
My family and I were so blessed and had a great experience.
Our beautiful Music ministry (Donna Schroyer, Trish Bell, Wendy Edwards and Debra Rony) were wonderful. Thank you to Dee Craine and family for providing lodging and hospitality with an open heart and home. Our Intercessory prayer team led by Mary Trombetta had been praying for months in advance and throughout the actual event for all registrants and everyone involved. Thank you, again, to everyone for using your beautiful gifts!!!
The Campbell's were amazing and incredibly open about their own testimony. I feel like they are old friends/family. Their engaging personalities and gentle humility allowed so many to relate and created an awesome environment for the Holy Spirit. The Breakthrough Workshop was very thorough in identifying and eliminating any blockages to healing and answered prayers. I encourage everyone to participate further by following them on Joyful Hope TV Youtube and Facebook. They are an anointed and gifted couple (and family) doing God’s work. They are getting so many souls “back on track”. I’ve been recieving testimonies from young and old alike.
WE LOVE YOU PATRICK AND JOY!!!-Thank you for coming and serving all of us virtually and in person here in the Diocese of Raleigh.
From Bernadette Divito:
First, Maria and Peter thank you so very much for being so welcoming and hospitable to Eddie and I, the Campbell family, our faith family, and more importantly for hosting the Campbell’s workshop. This thank you seems so in adequate for what you both have done. It is very apparent that your family serves the Lord.
Secondly, Eddie and I experienced a tangible sense of peace and love permeating throughout your home. The Holy Spirit is present in a very big way there! That is a special gift you all have been given. Eddie said that he felt so welcome and that he was amongst “family”. Praise God!
Thirdly, thank you to Patrick, joy and their family for putting on this powerful workshop for all of us. It was truly blessed and anointed. While participating in this workshop via Zoom, I felt such a palpable sense of peace and anointing coming through the screen. It was as if I was present at the workshop at Maria’s house even though I was not. I felt the Holy Spirit‘s presence in a very profound way!
I have a praise report to share! Patrick was speaking to us about the importance of writing down our request of the Lord on paper, that the Lord wants to answer our prayers and bless us and others through this workshop. He then mentioned that he received testimonies that a request had been answered in 30 seconds, some others had been answered in 30 minutes, some in 3 hours, some that day or yet some in the days to come after the workshop. One of the requests that I wrote down was that my youngest son would be baptized in the Holy Spirit and grow in a more intimate, personal and loving relationship with the Lord so that he may know, love and serve the Lord all his days. Not even five minutes after Patrick was speaking about God wanting to answer our prayers, my son called me from work. He said “I am canceling my plans with my friends on Saturday night so I can go to dinner with my old youth group leader and catch up with him“. His youth leader called him at work (while Patrick was talking about Jesus answering prayers) and invited him to go out to dinner and spend some time catching up with him. Nicholas was so happy and excited to hear from his leader! Nick has been struggling with finding Catholic friends. He really likes this youth group leader. He told me that this man was his favorite leader of all his teachers. Thanks be to God! To God be all the praise, honor and glory!
While Joy and Patrick Campbell prayed with me privately, Patrick shared something special with me that I’d like to share. Some days before this workshop, he was in his storage and found a crucifix that he had made which was missing it's left hand. Patrick said he prayed about what the Lord wanted him to do with it. He wondered if he should throw it away or keep. later that day, the Lord told him to give the crucifix to the person that was missing their left hand. He said that the Lord wanted me to have that crucifix. God is so good! Praise the Lord!
Maria, thank you again for all you do for this diocese and for all of your sisters and brothers in Christ. I am truly blessed to call you my sister in Christ and my friend. The way you live out your faith and put to use the gifts that God has given to you is such an example to all of us. May God continue to bless you, your family and your ministry abundantly.
From Wendy Edwards:
The Healing Workshop with Patrick and Joy Campbell was a life changer for me. Singing with Donna, Trish and Debra was a great blessing. I am still praising God and thanking Him for putting us together. I wake up in the morning hearing our songs in my head and heart, this brings me exceeding joy.
During the ending prayers, I felt a heaviness lift from my body. I had a pain in my left shoulder and it would pop whenever I lifted my hand above my head. After the prayer, I noticed that I could lift my hand without pain or popping! Thank you Jesus!
There are more miracles to come from this healing workshop. Let’s all keep our r heads up with miraculous expectation! Let’s remember what we wrote down so that when the evil one tries to bring it back we can rebuke it with confidence, power and purpose. Let’s continue to bring to mind our experiences during the workshop so we don’t have to deal with the letdown that comes after the spiritual high. I’m already looking forward to the next time we can get together!
From Cecilia Soporowska:
I have been trying to process all that I experience during this amazing conference. Some many breakthroughs and revelations a specially "Soul Ties". In prayer over time with Patrick and Joy, that I never met before, they told me things that only I and God knows. I know for a fact that God was speaking to me through them, giving me new direction and putting me on the path to the victory. It does not mean that is going to be easy but yet I feel such an overwhelming sense of peace , lightness in my heart and mind.
Special gratitude to you Maria and your husband Peter for opening your home to make this conference possible ,wonderful after dinner party and fellowship. Let us not forget our great music pray and worship Ladies, they were awesome.
Praise God.
From Debi Johnson:
I remember being at the Damian Stayne conference and hearing about the Campbells that were there, and were struggling financially, and also seeing their beautiful crosses. I was so happy to learn that the couple leading this healing conference was the very same couple, and that their lives changed dramatically during the Damian Stayne conference. It is an amazing testament to how God can move mountains.
I thought this conference was very good, and the Holy Spirit was working in me as I completed the written exercises they requested. When I met with them after the conference and they prayed with me, I was unprepared for the message God had in store for me. I had my own thoughts about some questions I wanted to ask, but I quietly waited while Patrick and Joy prayed, and then Joy shared what she was seeing. She said I was surrounded by angels, and she prayed some more. Patrick asked me if I was involved in intercessory prayer. I told them that I am, and I have a ministry praying for those who don't have a relationship with the Lord, and those that were a bit lost. I said that I have a book with over 700 people listed in it, and that I recite each name daily, and I have a team of intercessors that also pray for them. Patrick said that the angels that Joy was seeing were the 700 guarding angels of those I was praying for. I sat there trying to absorb this information. I knew that the Lord had guided me into forming my ministry, but I was and still am, humbled by the image Joy had seen. It was a gift, and it showed me how my ministry was pleasing the Lord. They gave me further guidance on how to direct my prayers for these people, and that I will see breakthroughs with these changes. I am so glad that I attended this conference, and grateful for the Campbells and their ministry.
From Nicole J:
Many have been praying for me indefinitely about my job this past year or so. On May 1, we had gone to St Andrews for Delia's walk to Mary, and it happened to be the feast of St Joseph (patron saint of employment). Well two days later I took a risk and applied to a job I saw online in a career that aligns with my educational background. They reached out to me for an interview the same week. Next thing I know I'm back for another round of 5 interviews with the entire team. While I was on vacation with my husband I was offered the job and I accepted The healing workshop this weekend was much needed. I have needed healing from this job for a long time. Almost four years of constant dread, anxiety, and lowering self-esteem and confidence. I struggled to let God show me His workings in this place. I did hit a period of peace during covid when I got to be home and away from people. I began praying for my bosses, coworkers, and clients. I even saw some positive change in how I viewed them despite how I was being treated. But I wanted to say thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all of your prayers and encouragement.
I ask for your prayers as I begin this new phase. I lift all glory to God as this couldn't have happened without His will.
Praying for you all as well. Blessed Be His Name.
From Michelle M.:
Michelle put in a job application the Monday morning after the workshop for a summer job in Raleigh at 11:30am. She received a call at 2:30pm requesting an interview at 5:00pm. Arrived in Raleigh for the interview and the woman literally gave her the job on the spot and started introducing her. She started immediately the next day.
She’s been putting out resumes for months and was getting discouraged. God did it all in one day!!! Praise God!!!!
*This could be the confirmation answer about the word about a person’s recurring prayer request for a long time but was blocked then all of a sudden God answered that long awaited prayer request.
From Maria Zollo:
Very powerful., you could feel the Holy Spirit at work. I was made aware of how to let go of my fears and how far forgiveness goes. I loved the fact I learned about the use of the green svspuler and how it works to help bring your loved ones yo the Lord. Everything about the occiult and generational sins. I loved the way Patrick and Joy shared their healing and blessings. So happy I joined all of you
From Domenica Mossa:
It was very helpful and uplifting, well done!
Thank you so much for everything you are doing to uplifting all our Spirits.
God Bless you with the intercession of San Micheal the Archangel and all his Angels.
From Vita Napoli:
I do have a testimony to share! The very next day after the Breakthrough Healing Workshop my husband, Rudy was asked to be an investor for the new Mamma Mia Italian Restaurant opening up in Holly Springs real soon. This has been an answered prayer for him! Praise God!!!
I thought it was Amazing and very Deep especially during the Renouncement segment, however I was not able to hear the Beautiful music being played and sung by our music team due to some technical issues on their part.
From John McNally:
The workshop led by the Campbells was very valuable. It included powerful testimony, both regarding their family situation and experiences during their ministry.
The teachings on how to remove strongholds provided valuable insights and the prayers were powerful.
The music ministry also did a great job and had an excellent choice of songs to complement the teachings.
My only suggestion is the following: For each of the five topics (except the first on forgiveness), the teaching and commentary proceeded right up until the time that the next topic started.
I think it would be better to allow a quiet time for reflection of about 15 minutes for individual prayer and reflection and to fill out the sheet on the topic after all teaching and commentary had concluded. I think this would be good to do for each of the five topics.
From Andy and Win Wallace:
What a great reintroduction to Charismatic Catholic events. We first got involved in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in 1985. This was our first Charismatic event since 1996, a year before we moved to NC.
Here are my thoughts:
1. The Breakthrough Healing Workshop is aptly named. My wife and I have each received spiritual healing and several breakthroughs as a result of the workshop. Patrick and Joy did a masterful presentation of the 5 major obstacles blocking God’s graces--- unforgiveness, fears, unhealthy relationships, the occult and generational sin patterns, (I never thought I’d spend a day and a half working on these areas). They led us through a thorough discussion of each of the issues and gave us time to work on each of them before moving on to the next. Once we finished these 5 areas, they guided us through each one, letting us deal with them one by one then finishing with a prayer. It was a remarkable experience.
2. Since the workshop ended, more healing and greater resolution unfolds daily. Long-held resentments and instances of unforgiveness have been released and healed. Fears and uncertainties have gradually come to light and have been released. I have remembered some unhealthy relationships, giving me the opportunity to reflect upon them and to pray for resolution. In addition, we discarded some books and a few items around our house that we realized did not belong in a Catholic home. Importantly, I recognized some unhealthy, sinful generational issues in my family and have been able to pray about them to bring more healing.
3. Because this workshop was delivered virtually, I do not know how many people participated in it. Patrick and Joy were able to generate energy and enthusiasm without the buzz of the crowd to create that atmosphere. In the future, I hope that I am able to participate in the workshop again, this time in person rather than online so that I can experience a dynamic found only in a live setting.
4. Most importantly, the workshop motivated me to do the difficult, somewhat unpleasant work needed to take an honest look in the mirror, to try to see me the way God sees me. I must admit, I didn’t recognize the guy looking back at me from that mirror, and was appalled/ashamed/embarrassed at what I saw. As I reflect on the event, I am motivated to continue to continue the work begun last weekend. I think that this work will keep me busy for the rest of my days. I hope this feedback helps. I look forward to the next event. Veni Sancte Spiritus! Come Holy Spirit!
From Delia Smith:
Amen! What a blessed, anointed, and beautiful weekend. Thank you, God, for all your blessings and this amazing community. Thank you to each and every one of you for the contributions. Sending love to all!
From Lisa Arguello:
I thought the Campbells were very faith filled and their talks were insightful. The music was beautiful and filled with spirit! I regret that I had to go in and out from the conference so much that I wasn’t able to fully benefit from their knowledge and charisms. I have listened to some parts on YouTube that I missed but I sure it would be so much better to have seen them in person. I feel blessed to have been able to see as much as I did! Maria, you are continually led by the Holy Spirit to choose wonderful speakers ! Thank you!
From Donna Schroyer:
I just wanted to say thank you to Patrick and Joy Campbell for coming to Cary to love and serve us through the Healing Workshop. They came to love and share their story in hopes of a healing breakthrough and salvation for us, God’s people. The most beautiful thing that they gave us was their hearts. They truly care about all that they serve. No judgments, just love. They shared their story and struggles. They so much remind me of looking into the eyes of Jesus. It is so hard to explain but there is something so different about the Campbells. The workshop is not just an “event”, it is part of their hearts, a gift to those they minister to. There was excitement in the air! We all were looking forward to the arrival of not just another speaker, but our friends, our family. Patrick, Joy, Talon and Iggy.
The workshop was excellent, much to ponder, many insights. Going through the workshop certainly gives us a bigger picture of life….
Our friends gave more to us than we could possibly have imagined and it was effortless for them because of the love in their hearts. After the workshop many of us were prayed prophetically for over the next 24 hours. What a gift! During my prayer time, there were many confirmations and a feeling of strength in the Lord for what He has done for me and for what He continues to do. As I process, there is more and more of God’s goodness and inner healing. As I speak with friends during the week, there is still a spiritual high even after 2 weeks! We listen and process as we continue to remember all that had happened at the workshop. God certainly took care of all of the details. Dee Crane was so kind as to allow the Campbells to stay at her house. Much love. Peter and Maria Murature opened their home also to have the workshop and fellowship. I absolutely loved participating in the praise and worship with Trish, Wendy and Deb. It was amazing! We surely felt the fire of the Holy Spirit.
Healing is a process, sometimes healings are quick, sometimes they take much time. I believe God is also working with each of us as we continue to share our stories and intimate details of healing and growth. He has given us each other to confide in, and help each other become whole. So, I thank God first for giving us this beautiful gift to carry with us on this spiritual journey we are on. Thank you Lord for putting all the pieces together from shelter to lay our heads, food for our bellies, prophetic words for the soul, just everything! May God bless all of us as we continue this healing process. In Jesus Name. Amen!
From Linda Asiabaka:
I am happy I attended Campbell's Workshop on healing and deliverance. When Mr. Campbell spoke in the likes of, it is not about the prayers you have been saying but the first prayer after forgiveness and deliverance. That resonated with me. I had been battling with forgiveness for some time. During this workshop I wrote about it and my fears, before the end of the workshop I felt peace in my heart towards those individuals. I knew God had helped me and I had forgiven them. I prayed for a successful C-section and a good experience. On June 7th I gave birth to a healthy baby in the same hospital where I had other c-sections, but this hospital experience was the best. I have continued to heal very well and quickly too. I give God all the glory. I went to the hospital with positivity, faith, strength and most importantly knowing that God is with me. I am very happy I attended Campbell's workshop.
From Celia Sandoval
Thank you for following up with me regarding Patrick and Joy healing work shop. I would like to give testimony to what our Lord did for me as a result of attending.
During one of the deliverance prayers… I had an impression of me standing in front of Jesus and 4 or 5 others … I did not look to see who they were…but I was standing on a cloud and could feel a gown on me … I looked down to see that I was dressed in a white gown. It was a very quick impression … But for a few seconds after …I could still feel the white gown on me….…since then I see and understand or notice lines in scripture that I did not notice or see before. Mama Mary has been more present as well.
I am eternally grateful to our Lord and thank you for allowing Jesus to use you , to put on this workshop. It is much needed because our Lord is much needed.